Monday, October 31, 2011


Calabasas Country Club
Course Update

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Halloween weekend with friends and family. The following issues will be addressed by the Maintenance Department this week:
The bunkers have successfully been edged; all excess grass was removed last week. However, the over-seeding process left seed in the bunkers, and has been germinating over the last few weeks. A regular inspection will continue until all has been removed.

If anyone has notice there hasn’t been any divot sand on the tees for some time, the program that is in place is the following:
Mondays and Fridays the section foremen fill all divots on the tees. The reasoning for this program is to achieve a uniform coverage of divot mix, and add seed to aid the healing process. Filling your divots/damage on the fairways, approaches, collars and roughs is still expected and appreciated.
Just as a reminder the course will be closed on the first Monday of every month for maintenance. A few hours of uninterrupted maintenance is truly necessary and will greatly benefit the overall productivity of the Maintenance Department.

October marks forty-three years of service for Mr. Gary Williams of the Maintenance Department. Gary was born in San Fernando, CA in 1945. He was in charge of the Calabasas Park Company grounds before the golf course construction began. For the last 35 years he has been our Chemical Technician, spraying the greens and searching for gofers. If you see Gary around the golf course, please take a moment to thank him for his hard work and dedication. 

Eric Wenzinger

Monday, October 17, 2011

Course Update

Calabasas Country Club
Course Update

Fall is here and the greens aerating and over-seeding process was a success. Moving forward into the fall the crew is working hard to lower the roughs to an acceptable level; the sweeper and blowers are out to keep the clippings to a minimum until this is achieved.

A few other activities planned for this week include:

·         Applying starter fertilizer to over-seeded areas
·         Edging sprinklers, drains, streams, trees & valve boxes
·         Fertilizer, growth regulator and fungicide application to greens
·         Cleaning bridges, steps & D/G paths
·         Lowering greens height
·         Applying a fresh coat of varnish to benches


Eric Wenzinger
Golf Course Superintendent