Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Last Summer the stream by #5 tee was connected to the lake by #5 green. This was done to replenish the quickly evaporating water in the summer months. 

The stream enters the lake at the rate of 27,000 gallons of water every 24 hours during the Summer months and twice that during a rain. During a rain the extra water brings with it a great deal of debris. 

When the big lake is full, the water makes it's way down into the small lake through four over-flow pipes. Then the small lake over-flows back into the stream by #18 green. 

Before the water in the lakes could be treated or cleaned a plug had to be made to stop the run-off from entering the lake. Without the plug, all of the products we use to treat the lake would make there way right back into the stream. The plug will be removed in the summer when extra water is needed to maintain water levels.
A form was made and reinforced with re-rod, a mesh screen and a hook for easy installation and removal.
 Lowering the plug into place
We are continuously improving the lakes quality and appearance.