Calabasas Country Club
Monthly Update December 2011
Here is a recap of projects and goals accomplished in December 2011:
- Edged bunkers
- Removed rocks from bunkers
- Edged cart paths
- Leaf removal
- Repaired fountain on #9
- Seven dead or fallen trees where cut, chipped and split
- Removed debris from stream to allow water to flow freely
- Aerated, fertilized, top dressed and seeded all 49 tees
- Needle tine aeration of all greens twice and deep tine aerated once
- The putting green roots grew from 3” to 7” since October
- Lowered the pH from 8. to 6.2
- Leached out a substantial amount of sodium from a EC reading of 3 to 1.2
As a bench mark the greens would be the healthiest at a pH from 5.0 to 6.5 and an EC reading of 0.75 to 1.50.
In conclusion December turned out to be a productive month even with the holidays and vacations. There are a lot of projects and improvements planned for 2012. Here are a few planned activities and when to expect to see them:
- Fix broken cart paths “throughout the season”
- Finishing the sand replacement in the bunkers “planned for Spring”
- Deep tine aerification “planed in March”
- Tree pruning and dead tree removal “Throughout the season”
- Finish fence on #15
- Drainage repair “throughout the season”
- Raising and properly adjusting sprinklers “now and throughout the season”
More aggressive maintenance overall, employing cultural practices and attention to detail.
Eric Wenzinger
Golf Course Superintendent