Wednesday, June 22, 2011

FRE-FLO™ System Maintenance

 FRE-FLO™ is an eco-friendly water conditioning and water conservation technology that solves calcium carbonate scale problems, easily, safely, scientifically. Since 1972, FRE-FLO™ catalytic water technology has a track record providing scale control and water saving solutions for a range of problems in agriculture, turf, industry, and business.

In short this water conditioning system breaks up the large salt minerals in the water to increase the waters effectiveness; The bottom line is less water is used and more water penetrates our hard clay soils.

We purchased this system three years ago, it has shown water savings and better penetration. This blog is illustrating the cleaning process that occurs twice a year.

The back-hoe was used to support the 340lb conditioners and they where unfastened.

As water passes through this system the plates break up the minerals into smaller pieces so the water moves through the soil freely.

After cleaning the pieces slide back in. 

At Calabasas Country Club their are 3 of these water conditioners.

The conditioner is lined back up and secured with clamps