Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Course Update

Calabasas Country Club
Course Update

With 70 days of summer behind us and 20 left to go the crew is still working hard adjusting sprinklers and hand watering.

Up-coming events include our September 26th aerifcation of the putting greens; followed directly by rough and tee surface over seeding, I will post the schedule when it is finalized.
This aerification we will be using 1/2 inch hollow tines at a depth of 4 inches; The greens will be fertilized seeded and top-dressed with approximately 50 tons of sand. This smaller diameter tine will defiantly benefit the greens health and minimize disturbance to our members.

A few activities planned for this week include:

·         Repairing retaining wall and concrete behind 10 tee
·         Fertilizing greens
·         Gypsum application on greens
·         Edging sprinklers
·         String trimming streams
·         Preventive fungicide application
·         Bunker maintenance
·         Hand watering
·         Sprinkler repair and adjustment
·         Needle tine aerating traffic areas on greens


Eric Wenzinger
Golf Course Superintendent