Monday, September 19, 2011

Course Update

Calabasas Country Club
Course Update

Southern California is in a transition zone which makes fall aeration and over-seeding a must. The closures in September/October will dictate the playability, health and aesthetics of the course for the next eight months. Although it may have short-term adverse effects on schedules and playability, I stand completely behind these closures and anticipate great results. After the over-seeding has been completed it is imperative that the seed has plenty of moisture through its 10-14 day germination period; which means all 1500 sprinklers per 9 holes will be watering sporadically every hour to ensure proper germination.

This Week
The greens will be sprayed with fertilized and a preventative fungicide this week to prepare us for our fall aeration next week. The crew is also busy getting the course ready for our annual over-seeding, which entails:
·         Lowering the roughs to ensure proper seed germination
·         Fixing and cleaning drains to minimize wet areas
·         Flagging sprinklers so they do not get damaged during the process
·         Mixing sand for tee topdressing
·         Painting ingress/egress stakes
·         Inspection & maintenance on all spreaders, top-dressers and aerators


Eric Wenzinger
Golf Course Superintendent