Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mowing Fairways Down

As we move forward with the greens health our goal is to concentrate more resources on other areas of the golf course towards steady improvement. This year we have applied a pre-emergent herbicide on the fairways to stop crabgrass and other weeds from germinating this Spring, as well as a post-emergent herbicide to kill the weeds and unwanted grasses that were present; the next step is mow the fairways down to 3/8" this will give us a good starting point for the 2012 golf season. Scheduled at the end of March is a 25 week slow release fertilizer application; the fairways are also going to be verti-cut and aerated over the next 4 weeks. The verticutting will remove unwanted thatch to relieve disease threats and encourage rapid lateral growth; while the aeration will relieve compaction and incorporate O2 into the soil profile.